Comparison of a leg with cellulitis with a normal leg.

Comparison of a leg with cellulitis with a normal leg.

It is important to pay attention to the following symptoms : usually only one leg becomes swollen, red, tender and hot – please seek medical assistance. These are symptoms of infection from staphylococcus, streptococcus and MRSA types of bacteria which have entered the leg through a small cut or bite, the symptoms can become aggravated quickly. A red raw-looking rash on a very heavy swollen leg is usually a telltale sign but do not wait , go and seek help as the next stage is a fever and swollen lymph glands at the site.

To avoid cellulitis it is important to keep skin clean and elastic – wash and apply any brand of moisturiser which suits you. The action of massaging your skin improves blood supply and nourishes the skin while applying a moisturiser physically moves away bacteria – always massage legs upward to help blood flow to the heart and to drain away excess water from the tissues. Well nourished skin is more difficult to pierce and heals more effectively. Diabetics must always be vigilant in the care of their skin especially of feet and legs. Cellulitis is more common in elderly patients and it is not contagious.